Well for the first time in a while in this blog, I'm going to write about something other than leadership- about me, my life, and my people.
I'm a young girl, living in a smaller-than-small town, where living a private life is the equivalent of living under a microscope. Everyone knows everyone else, and their business, or at least they think they do. It's like the biggest news headlines are about who's broken up, who's engaged to whom, and who's sleeping with whom. (Or is that who?) Ha, but really, that's how this whole in the hills, is.
My parents are divorced, living about an hour apart, pretty much hating each other. No, it's not quite that bad. I mean, after 21 years (my youngest sister's age), they've finally found a way to . . . tolerate? each other. Of course having said that, they've both found significant others to help with that. My mom's "man" is something entirely unto himself- deserving of a singular blog and yet not one single word in one. My stepmom isn't so bad- some days I enjoy her presence and effect on my daddy's life. Wonder why it is, my mom's something bothers me so much more than my dad's woman? Maybe it's because I'm a momma's girl at heart.
Anyway, I have two sisters who frustrate the ever lasting nerve I have, at the same time that they bring a strength to my heart when I think about their feelings being hurt. Lord knows, I fight with them, especially my youngest all the time. I mean, all. the. time. But still she's my little sister. No one effffs with her, minus myself or other family.
But outside of family, I've been wondering lately, who are my real friends?
Ha, my best friend is in Japan, some 7000 miles and several oceans apart. She's always been there, through boys and girls, alcohol and hangovers, mood swings and Midol. She's always been the tougher one between the two of us, while I've always been the crybaby. So these days I'm trying to be her- the tough one. Some days, it works. Some days, it doesn't. But- c'est la vie.
Then there's a lot of older friends who've mysteriously drifted away. Surprisingly it's my newest friends who're there, like my new friend at work. I've been going through a lot lately and she's been nothing but supportive.
Then there's the boy. But I think maybe he's best left for a different blog too.
So these days, I keep going back to this quote from Laguna Beach TV show:
"Its less important to have a large quanity of friends, and more important the quality of friends."
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